In 2021, ransomware cases increased by 92.7%. And by 2025, IT experts predict, cybercrime will cost the world $10.5 trillion yearly. With tech-savvy hackers on the rise, it’s more important than ever for small businesses to protect themselves from malicious attacks.

While large corporations like Twitter and Uber were in the headlines for recent ransomware attacks, small-to-midsize businesses are just as vulnerable. Here’s what you need to know about the threats and the steps you can take to protect your company and customers.

3 of the Most Common Forms of Malicious Threats

Malicious threats come in many forms, but here are three of the most common.

  1. Malware: Viruses, worms, and trojans are all examples of malware. They typically spread through infected websites and email attachments, and they can cause damage to your computer and network.
  2. Malicious code: Malicious code refers to programs designed to disrupt your business operations or steal information from your computers. For example, ransomware attacks encrypt your files and hold them hostage until you pay a ransom to regain access.
  3. Phishing attacks: Phishing attacks use deceptive emails or websites to trick people into providing sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers.


How can you stop your business from falling victim to one of these malicious attacks? First, it helps to understand your level of risk and vulnerability.

Don’t let ransomware or phishing attacks disrupt your business and cost you money!

Call TCS at 336.804.8449 to discuss your IT security needs.

Malicious Attacks

Risk vs. Vulnerability vs. Threat: What’s the Difference?

Risk, vulnerabilities, and threats are all related parts of information security but are not identical. Understanding the differences between the three will help you better assess your security risks and decide how best to protect your organization and your network from malicious attacks.

  • A vulnerability is a weakness hackers could exploit to cause harm.
  • A threat is any circumstance or event that could impact organizational operations adversely.
  • A risk is a likelihood that a threat will exploit an asset’s vulnerability and result in a harmful event or loss.


5 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Malicious Threats

Ready to defend your business from potential attacks? Here are five crucial steps to take.

  1. Uncover your risks. Before you can reduce your cyber-attack risk, you must understand the threats you might face. So, conducting a vulnerability, risk, and threat assessment is the best place to start. Not sure how to do this? TCS can help!
  2. Invest in a comprehensive cyber security tool. You don’t have to spend a fortune to protect your business. The real question is, can you afford not to invest in cyber security? With an all-in-one tool like TCS CyberShield, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your network is secure and protected by 24/7 continuous monitoring and ongoing risk assessment.
  3. Train your employees to recognize threats. One of the most common threats your company faces is your people. So, train them to identify phishing emails and other malicious threats, as well as how to report any suspicious activities or information they find online. Here’s a free guide to help you get started.
  4. Keep all hardware up to date. Installing the latest security patches, software updates, and firmware revisions is essential. Ensure you install all updates as soon as they become available for every device in your network, including laptops, desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  5. Hire a trusted IT partner. When managing risk, the best offense is a good defense. However, you don’t need to go it alone when managing risks and protecting your data. One of the easiest ways to defend your business from malicious attacks is to hire an IT partner to manage your security and offer support.

TCS Is Ready to Protect Your Business

Do you need an IT partner to advise and consult on best practices to avoid a malicious attack? TCS is your go-to, local expert for all things IT.

When you call, you get friendly, fast, and knowledgeable service from a person rather than a menu.

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